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Sundar Pichai: We are Previewing the Next Version of Android at Google I/O

Bloomberg published a massive story on Android/Chrome boss Sundar Pichai this morning that we have barely had a chance to peek at, since we are traveling to Google I/O at the moment. But as you can imagine, I/O was one of the topics highlighted, and boy did Sundar have something exciting to say in terms of Android. According to Bloomberg, Pichai and crew will show off the next version of Android at the show tomorrow to be more transparent (probably with developers and manufacturers). In other words, this gives everyone in the Android ecosystem a better chance to prepare for the next version of Android.
Pichai wouldn’t elaborate as to the name of the version, which most assume will start with an “L” and carry some sort of candy reference in the name. We also don’t know if this will be Android 4.5 or 5.0 or something else altogether.
Here is the excerpt from the story:
This year, Pichai will preview the next release (Lollipop? Lemonhead?) for the first time at I/O rather than waiting until the fall. It’s a significant shift toward greater transparency. “I want the world to understand what we are doing sooner,” he says.
We may have already had a brief preview of the “L” version last night, thanks to the Chromium bug tracker. Let the hypebeasting begin.

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Himesh Jain

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