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IWatch - The Awesome Concept.... Kudos to Todd Hamilton

The Designer wanted to retain a slim form factor like the Fuelband and incorporate familiar UI components from iOS 7. According to him needed to feel natural on the wrist and look like something Apple would actually produce.
Initial sketch
Initial sketch
"I started with a few sketches then worked my way towards a rough 3D mesh of the device. I kept the band simple with a curved touchscreen display on the front. For physical controls I placed a single button on the left to act as the home button, and two more on the other side for volume controls." - Tod Hamm
For the lock screen he designed a simple black & white interface displaying the time, date, and button to activate Siri. 
iWatch Lockscreen
The springboard has four app icons vertically stacked with a page controller on the right. Swiping up or down moves between pages of apps. Pressing the home button takes you back to the lockscreen.
iWatch Home

Jawbone, Fitbit, and Nike have already proven the popularity of fitness wearables. Therefore this feature was bound to be on the IWatch.
iWatch Running App
Fitness app
One last thing I personally quizzed was how the iWatch will get its data. Well the Concept Desing Developer had said Iphone Tethering was on his mind!!

About the Concept Designer

Todd Hamilton

UI Designer from San Francisco

If you'd like to see some of his work please Visit his portfolio. Follow him on Dribbble, and Instagram.

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Himesh Jain

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